I REALLY hope the politicans in Washington don't screw up this illegal immigration thing any worse than it already is. We have to secure the border FIRST and make sure it is really secured before agreeing to a guest worker program or path to citizenship for the illegals already here. America does not need a repeat of the failed 1980's legislation. Perhaps many people like myself would be satisfied with a waiting period to verify the successful securing of the border before the guest worker provision kicks in and before illegals get any officially recognized standing in our society.
I also disagree with the so-called "compromise that wasn't" whereas illegals that have been here less than 2 years are deported and those here over a certain number of years can apply for citizenship. Nobody is going to admit they've been here less than 2 years and everybody will say they've been here long enough to apply for citizenship. It is not verifiable in most cases and the government is just asking people to lie and take advantage of the new rule if passed. It's a bad idea. All illegals should have a LONG waiting/probationary period and financial penalties before they are eligible to apply for citizenship and then they should go to the back of the line. And harsh penalties for future illegal entry to the US need to be enforced, and not just enforced on businesses.
As a disabled veteran and a small business owner who has NEVER hired an illegal, I resent the idea recently floated in the media that businesses are responsible for our immigration problem. The crappy Mexican economy, the bleeding heart liberals and the spineless U.S. government need to accept responsibilty for our immigration problem.
The rule of law is what made our country great. If we allow Mexico's lack of respect for law to continue flooding over into our borders, we must also be prepared to live with the consequences. Would you like to live in a corrupt, impoverished country like Mexico? I wouldn't. But slowly but surely, we are headed there. That's right, over time, the U.S. will become a crappy, corrupt, impoverished country if we don't put our foot down and demand that our laws and our sovereignty be respected. SECURE OUR BORDERS NOW, TALK ABOUT GUEST WORKERS AND A PATH TO CITIZENSHIP LATER!
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