The Pope did not say anything wrong and he should NOT apologize. That should be obvious to anyone who read the entire speech instead of just the selective phrase the Muslim radicals used as an excuse to be violent. Those who want to kill in the name of Allah will use any excuse they can find, and the Pope cannot appease these killers no matter what he says or doesn't say. While the Pope did not say Muslim's were violent, the reaction of the crazy Islamic fascists proved that Islam is not a religion of peace. Indeed, it is violent.
So far, several churches have been fire-bombed and a nun killed. Turn on the news and you'll see thousands of Muslims all over the world engaged in violent protests with signs that say things like, "Behead those who insult Islam". Minority my ass. These crazy Islamic fascists have even called for the assasination of the Pope. I hate to break it to them, but these hateful murders won't have any virgins waiting for them in heaven. In fact, I'm pretty sure anyone, regardless of religion, who advocates murdering the Pope will smoke a turd in hell. And what's with the burning of the American flag? The Pope pisses these crazy killers off and they burn an American flag? Apparently they're not only violent and crazy, they're ignorant too. Or at the very least, they have a problem with cause and effect. The Pope lives in Italy and he's not American...he didn't even give his speech in English, so how is America to blame for what the Pope said? Even if the Pope had said something to intentionally insult Islam, there is no excuse for the violence that has resulted.
I'm so sick of hearing from the Muslim world that extremists are a minority and that Islam is a religion of peace. To the educated world, talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words. If these violent, hateful Muslims are truly the exception and not the rule, why don't the non-radical Muslims speak out and denounce their behavior? I haven't heard that happen. I've heard a few American Muslims on the news say that radical behavior is not a true representation of Islam, but they stop short of condemning it and then go on to say the Pope shouldn't have said what he said. Why not? And why is the world so afraid to face reality? It's time for true Muslims to take responsibility and stop blaming the rest of the world for the problems created by the radical behavior of their own. If these extremist murderers truly do not represent Islam, then it's time for the real Muslim community to find the courage to stand up to the radicals. Any Muslim that's not part of the solution is part of the problem.
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