The past few weeks has been an enormous wake up call to Americans everywhere. As a result of the immigration amnesty battle in Washington, Americans now realize that politicians cannot be trusted...PERIOD. If we take our eyes off them even for a second, the Kennedy crowd starts looking for ways to screw hard-working Americans. And even more disturbing, our so-called "Conservative" Senators jumped right on the immigration bandwagon along with the Dumbocrats.
Here's a link to the names, addresses, phone numbers and fax numbers of several US Senators. These Senators NEED to hear from you - tell them what you think about their 'Shamnesty' bill.
Below is the letter I faxed to most of them (I also faxed a second page containing only a huge "A" for Amnesty!) I feel so much better should try it!
Dear Senator [insert your traitor Senator's name here],
If you support the current immigration bill:
1. You are voting for Amnesty. Spin it anyway you wish, but the American people are not stupid and Americans, more than two-thirds of whom oppose amnesty, will remember you as part of the A-gang. (“A” is for Amnesty)
2. While even legalized ‘illegals’ will NOT be eligible to vote for many years, angry Americans WILL BE VOTING AGAINST Amnesty supporters in huge numbers. All those Americans who called, emailed and faxed your office will be voicing their discontent in the form of a vote for many elections to come.
3. Ask Senator Kennedy how many FAILED AMNESTY bills he’s helped author to date. With his track record on amnesty, he shouldn’t even be allowed in the room while an immigration bill is being written.
4. Also please ask Senator Kennedy how much our taxes will have to go up to pay for this and how much social security and medicare benefits will have to decrease. Certainly a responsible politician would NOT propose a bill that will cost Americans TRILLIONS of dollars without first knowing where the money’s coming from. But wait, nobody thought of that...of course, why worry about how much of OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY YOU’RE SPENDING? Americans struggling to make ends meet can’t go shopping without making sure we have money in the bank first. Yet Congress wants to import tens of millions of welfare recipients without giving any thought to how they will pay for it because it’s NOT THEIR MONEY.
5. WHERE’S THE FENCE that was already approved? There isn’t one yet - that’s exactly why Americans do NOT believe you will secure the border even with amnesty. We are tired of being LIED TO...PROVE YOU CAN & WILL SECURE THE BORDER, and maybe Americans will be willing to swallow the amnesty pill. But NOT until AFTER the border is PROVEN to be secured because we’ve been tricked into amnesty before.6. If you’re lucky enough to be one of the very few who supports amnesty and doesn’t get voted out of office next time you’re up for re-election, have you thought about what you’ll tell your constituents NEXT time the government considers amnesty for the millions of illegals who are encouraged by the passage of this Amnesty bill to illegally cross our still unsecured border in the future?
7. Time will prove this amnesty bill to be a lie. Time will prove that the government still has no intention of securing the border. All who support this bill will be considered liars and traitors by their constituents...actually, I think sell-out is the most common term I’ve heard used. Perhaps you too will feel betrayed by your colleagues who convinced you that the border REALLY will be secured this time if you just give amnesty first. Yet still, you’ll be looking for a new job.
But you still have a chance to do the right thing... Don’t be naive - OPPOSE AMNESTY or look for a new job. SECURE OUR BORDERS NOW, then we’ll talk about amnesty.
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