If so, you might want to donate to Fred Thompson's campaign.
I just joined 'Friends of Fred'. It's just a donation/support site right now I guess - no blog or other information really. I hoped to find some information there regarding his positions on key issues, but didn't. There's been a lot of interest in Fred Thompson lately, but I really don't know that much about him. So far, he doesn't get me that excited, but perhaps that will change as I learn more about him. I'm mostly interested in where he stands on the border and immigration, as well as how he'd win the wars - Iraq/Afghanistan/islamic extremists & how he'd handle Iran/North Korea/Venezuela, etc.
Although I don't know much about Fred Thompson, I would like to know more and I really want him to be someone conservatives can support. Senator McCain is worthless even as a Senator and would be an even worse President (and I've voted for him several times but will never vote for him again since he can't stop making bad deals with Ted Kennedy). McCain has no chance at the nomination anymore anyway - he blew it by supporting amnesty. I kinda like some of the lesser known candidates but really don't think any of them stand a chance either. As far as I can tell, it's between Thompson, Giuliani and Romney. I also like Giuliani but still need to know where he stands on many issues, and I have a feeling once I learn more about him I may not like him so well. If Newt Gingrich gets in the race, I'll probably vote for him. But if the primary was held today, I think I'd vote for Mitt Romney (I for one am more concerned about national security than the President's religion).
During his eight years in the Senate, Thompson won his free trade credentials with his votes to extend the president's fast-track trade promotion authority and to approve permanent trading relations with China. One right-wing critic in a widely circulated internet column called Thompson a "neocon globalist" for his immigration, free trade, and foreign policy positions.
Social conservatives are also likely to question Thompson's "liberal" voting record on immigration. Although Thompson has recently written and spoken out about the need for strong border control, while in the Senate he voted to increase visas for skilled foreign workers and to increase permits for unskilled foreign farm workers. Overall, Americans for Better Immigration, an anti-immigration lobbying group, gives Thompson a career grade of C for his mixed voting record. Thompson will likely come under withering criticism from anti-immigrant candidate Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO), who mixes his social conservatism with a heavy dose of nationalism and anti-corporate populism.
Posted by: Jim Robinson | June 07, 2007 at 08:30 AM
Hi Jim. Thanks for your comment. I like Tancredo's stand on immigration but don't know much about his other positions, and I honestly don't think he will go very far. Even if he doesn't get the nomination, I'm glad he's running and making the other candidates talk about immigration - 'cause you know they'd all prefer not to talk about it!
Posted by: BlogForFreedom | June 07, 2007 at 12:00 PM