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I forgot to mention, in regards to this statement made by Kyl:

"I’ll continue to listen, and I invite your comments, suggestions, and criticisms"

He'll CONTINUE to listen? When was it that he started listening?


I am trying to make a conservative digg alternative called GOP Hub (GOPHub.com). Anything you can do to help with this effort would be awesome. Plus feel free to submit any articles your write here on your blog :). Take care and have a great weekend!

Freedom Advocate

This bill is being voted on in the senate TODAY!
Public Advocate demonstrates in Washington, DC, protesting the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Protection Act (H.R. 1592), which would grant special rights to homosexuals. This law would add sexual orientation to federal hate crimes statutes.

Watch Teletubby and Moses get arrested at the Capitol while angry bystanders demand the release of the purple teletubby, the "moral fiber of America." See Public Advocate activists hit the streets with this street theater demonstrating against Ted Kennedy's Thought Control Bill to give homosexuals special privileges: http://publicadvocateusa.org/

not fake

That's the kind of image that i really thing is super image like. If more images very real like this were out there we'd be super full of graet images in the world.

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