Posted on July 14, 2010 in Current Affairs, Democrats & Liberalism, Homeland Security, Islamic Facists, Liberal Media, Politics, Religion | Permalink | Comments (6)
I've been watching the speeches at the U.N. on Fox news, and all I can say is what a circus? The fact that these crazy Communist and Islamic fascist bastards are allowed in our country to spew their anti-American propaganda B.S. says a great deal about our free society and U.S. tolerance. But enough is enough. Why are we paying a billion dollars a year to such an anti-American organization? The U.N. is nothing but a bunch of third world, uncivilized nations that hate America because we are a great and powerful nation. They're simply jealous so they don't like us. Although America goes out of its way and spends billions of dollars a year to help these third world countries, they would rather blame us for their problems than to work with the U.S. to make the world a better, safer place for all.
Even our so called allies - what a joke. Russia cannot be trusted and they are still basically a communist state, whether or not they admit it. France is being France and we can never trust them. They are just as corrupt as many of the third world dictatorships - the Oil for Food scandal proved that. They will go behind America's back to work against our interests while smiling and pretending to be our friend to our face. Germany is not much better. With friends like these, who needs enemies?
It's time for the U.S. to stop trying to appease the world...they cannot be appeased. They hate us and no matter how much we try to help them, they will still hate us. Besides the fact that the United Nations is impotent and lacks accountability, it's also as corrupt as many of its third world, uncivilized, barbaric nations that are members. The U.N. is against the interests of the U.S. and it's time for America to put our time, efforts and money into NATO or some other credible world organization that can actually accomplish its purpose, without the corruption. The U.N. is worthless, and a waste of time.
Posted on September 20, 2006 in Communist Bastards, European "Allies", FOX News Channel, Islamic Facists, Just My Opinion!, The Worthless U.N. | Permalink | Comments (2)
The Pope did not say anything wrong and he should NOT apologize. That should be obvious to anyone who read the entire speech instead of just the selective phrase the Muslim radicals used as an excuse to be violent. Those who want to kill in the name of Allah will use any excuse they can find, and the Pope cannot appease these killers no matter what he says or doesn't say. While the Pope did not say Muslim's were violent, the reaction of the crazy Islamic fascists proved that Islam is not a religion of peace. Indeed, it is violent.
So far, several churches have been fire-bombed and a nun killed. Turn on the news and you'll see thousands of Muslims all over the world engaged in violent protests with signs that say things like, "Behead those who insult Islam". Minority my ass. These crazy Islamic fascists have even called for the assasination of the Pope. I hate to break it to them, but these hateful murders won't have any virgins waiting for them in heaven. In fact, I'm pretty sure anyone, regardless of religion, who advocates murdering the Pope will smoke a turd in hell. And what's with the burning of the American flag? The Pope pisses these crazy killers off and they burn an American flag? Apparently they're not only violent and crazy, they're ignorant too. Or at the very least, they have a problem with cause and effect. The Pope lives in Italy and he's not American...he didn't even give his speech in English, so how is America to blame for what the Pope said? Even if the Pope had said something to intentionally insult Islam, there is no excuse for the violence that has resulted.
I'm so sick of hearing from the Muslim world that extremists are a minority and that Islam is a religion of peace. To the educated world, talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words. If these violent, hateful Muslims are truly the exception and not the rule, why don't the non-radical Muslims speak out and denounce their behavior? I haven't heard that happen. I've heard a few American Muslims on the news say that radical behavior is not a true representation of Islam, but they stop short of condemning it and then go on to say the Pope shouldn't have said what he said. Why not? And why is the world so afraid to face reality? It's time for true Muslims to take responsibility and stop blaming the rest of the world for the problems created by the radical behavior of their own. If these extremist murderers truly do not represent Islam, then it's time for the real Muslim community to find the courage to stand up to the radicals. Any Muslim that's not part of the solution is part of the problem.
Posted on September 19, 2006 in Islamic Facists, Just My Opinion!, Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)
Okay, I finally got motivated enough to set up a BlogRoll for this blog (thanks to Jonathan over at Crush Liberalism - thanks Jonathan!). I already added many of the blogs I read regularly, but I know I also missed several great blogs, so please don't be offended if I missed yours!
If you'd like to be added to the Blog For Freedom BlogRoll:
1. Add this code to your blog:
2. Email me the following info (be sure you have added the code above FIRST!):
Please use "BLOGROLL" as the subject of your email, so it doesn't accidentally get deleted!
I'll add you as soon as I can... sometimes I'm slow but I'll try to hurry!
Posted on September 14, 2006 in ACLU Sucks, American Military, Communist Bastards, Democrats & Liberalism, Denny Crane!, Email of the Week, European "Allies", FOX News Channel, Hillary & Bill Clinton, Homeland Security, Illegal Immigration, Islamic Facists, Just My Opinion!, Liberal Media, Oil & Gas Prices, Politics, President Bush, Republicans & the GOP, The Worthless U.N., U.S. Economy, V.P. Dick Cheney | Permalink | Comments (5)
Why does this not surprise me at all?...
Wisconsin Democratic Senator Wuss Puss Russ Feingold, who is a possible Presidential candidate in 2008, is asking the President not to refer to terrorists as "Islamic Fascists" because it might be offensive. Well, if the shoe fits... Is this guy for real? Since when are we worried about hurting terrorists' feelings? I'm not, in fact, I kind of enjoy the fact that it offends them. It offended me that some loser Islamic fascists flew 2 airplanes into the World Trade Center. But I'm open-minded, so maybe he's right. Maybe we should consider other names for the terrorists. Here, I have one. How about "Piece of shit, fraudulent waste of oxygen dirtbag Islamic Fascists" Is that better, Russ?
How can he possibly expect to be President of the United States if he's afraid of offending our enemy? He says the term "Islamic fascists" is offensive to Muslims. Good - maybe if they get offended enough, they'll start to denounce those who have hijacked their religion to do evil things to good people in the name of Allah.
When Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig were released by the Islamic fascists that took them hostage in Gaza, they mentioned in a TV interview that their captors were very offended by Bush calling terrorists "Islamic fascists". With that in mind, I think Bush and every other politician in Washington should be saying it every chance they get. Screw Russ Feingold and any other politician who's worried about offending our enemies. I'm glad they're offended.
Posted on September 13, 2006 in Democrats & Liberalism, Islamic Facists, Just My Opinion!, Politics | Permalink | Comments (2)
Okay, so I didn't see the first part of the movie on Sunday night, but I was okay with missing the Clinton years (I already lived through them once, and once is MORE than enough!). But I did watch during the Bush years last night and I don't see what all the fuss was about. To me, the right should have been more bothered by this movie than the Democrats. Like anything else on ABC, I thought the always present liberal bias was definitely there.
I didn't like the fact that this movie portrayed Dick Cheney as a wrinkly old angry man. Okay, we know the guy's old but come on! I was also bothered by the little poke the movie made at Bush's war on terrorist financing. I think stopping terrorist financing is extremely important and has probably been a huge part of the reason we haven't been attacked again since 9/11. But then, I already agreed with him and didn't need I'm sure most liberals who watched missed the boat on that subject as usual.
Overall, I thought the movie pretty much sucked. I almost fell asleep several times. I will say I think the movie definitely made the case for President Bush's so-called 'eavesdropping programs' as well as the need to secure our border. I just hope that the people who watched can see the connection between 9/11 and illegal immigration. If immigration laws were enforced, perhaps the World Trade Center would still be standing and thousands of Americans would still be alive.
I'm no movie critic, but I give both ABC and their 9/11 movie a big "L" for "LOSER"!
Posted on September 12, 2006 in Democrats & Liberalism, Hillary & Bill Clinton, Homeland Security, Illegal Immigration, Islamic Facists, Just My Opinion!, Liberal Media, President Bush, V.P. Dick Cheney | Permalink | Comments (46)
Posted on September 11, 2006 in Homeland Security, Islamic Facists, Just My Opinion! | Permalink | Comments (2)
Posted on September 08, 2006 in Email of the Week, Islamic Facists, Just My Opinion!, Politics | Permalink | Comments (6)
This email is great...enjoy!
The Iranian Ambassador to the UN had just finished giving a speech, and walked out into the lobby where he met President Bush. They shook hands, and as they walked the Iranian said, "You know, I have just one question about what I have seen in America.
President Bush said, "Well, anything I can do to help you, I will."
The Iranian whispered "My son watches this show 'Star Trek' and in it there is Chekhov who is Russian, Scotty who is Scottish, and Sulu who is Chinese, but no Arabs. My son is very upset and doesn't understand why there aren't any Iranians on Star Trek."
President Bush laughed, leaned toward the Iranian ambassador, and whispered back, "It's because it takes place in the future."
Original Source: Unknown
Posted on September 01, 2006 in Email of the Week, Islamic Facists, Politics, President Bush | Permalink | Comments (2)
Looks like Allah won't have any virgins waiting for convicted 9/11 co-conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui afterall. Instead, he will spend the rest of his worthless life in a prison cell. Ordinarily, I would expect the death penalty for a dirtbag like Moussaoui. However, since he wanted to die a 'martyr' for the cause, I wish him a long, agonizing life in prison.
Posted on May 03, 2006 in Islamic Facists, Just My Opinion! | Permalink | Comments (1)
The execution of Michael Morales was delayed because the state couldn't find any licensed doctors to perform the execution as ordered by the Judge. Let's put this in perspective...the claim is that lethal injection is cruel and unusual punishment. The poor little murderer might feel a little pain when he dies....waaaaa. Would he prefer being raped, strangled, repeatedly stabbed and then beaten to death with a hammer? That's how he killed his 17-year old female victim. Doesn't the Bible say an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth? If you ask me, lethal injection is too good for this dirtbag.
Posted on February 22, 2006 in Islamic Facists, Just My Opinion!, Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)
I've had this domain for a while now and have been toying with the idea of setting up a political blog. I have several business blogs, unfortunately I can't vent my political feelings on those blogs (bad for business since roughly half the country is going to disagree with just about anything I say!). But I keep up on current events quite a bit (okay, I admit I'm a Fox News junkie), and I have a lot of opinions that my family is probably sick of hearing. So finally today, thanks to George Bush's stupid idea to trust the UAE with some of our port security, I started to let the world know exactly what I think (although the world really doesn't care - I'm aware!).
As a disabled veteran, a Republican and a President Bush supporter, I cannot believe that ANY of our nation's port security would be left to the UAE. I realize there is a great deal more to this issue than meets the eye - information that citizens such as myself do not have. However, if there is even a .01% chance that this could jeopardize national security (and there is at least a .01% chance), why would we take such an unnecessary risk?
As a child, I lived in Saudi Arabia and I have many Arab friends. As a result, I understand their culture and I do not trust the UAE. I know that extremist Arabs who hate America are an accepted part of most Arab cultures. They are not seen as criminals, in fact, many see them as heroes and their ties to the "government elites" are usually strong. While many Arab governments are "officially" allies of the US and the war on terror, their people truly do not like America or our way of life. For this reason, it would be way too easy for an extremist group to find an "in" to this UAE company. What if our UAE 'friends' just happen to turn a blind eye to a shipment of weapons, nuclear, chemical or other hazardous items that could be used to launch an attack on our homeland? Currently, the majority of containers that come through our ports go unchecked and we need to tighten port security. Instead, we seem to be putting the fox in charge of the hen house. Has our government become completely blind to the obvious?
President Bush and the Republican Party claim that securing our nation is a top priority after 9/11. Iraq is part of this plan and I support the war in Iraq. However, what good does it do to spend billions of dollars fighting terrorism in Iraq when our borders are completely unprotected? If Mexican immigrants can illegally enter our country any time they like, what's stopping Al Quaeda? Nothing. And now we're going to leave our ports in the hands of a country that was home to two of the 9/11 hijackers? If we continue with such an ignorant, liberal attitude towards national security, President Bush is right about one's just a matter of time before we get hit again.
I have lost a great deal of respect for President Bush due to his failure to secure the Mexican border. I live in Arizona and I believed border security would finally be taken seriously after 9/11. But it was all political BS. And now with this port security issue, I don't know what he's thinking anymore. For the first time in my life, I actually agree with the Democratic leadership. If the Republicans want to continue being seen as the party that will protect America, they need to get back to basics and realize that putting a country that doesn't like us in charge of our port security is the wrong thing to do. It's like the UN putting Libya on the committee that oversees human rights. It makes ZERO sense. If Republicans cannot use their majority in Washington to stop this UAE deal, then perhaps they don't deserve to be in control anymore. I think this could be one of THE ISSUES that alot of people who are on the fence will remember. They could very well use their vote in future elections to punish candidates that support this UAE company.
I don't know about you, but I remember just a few short years ago that President Bush "...looked into Vladimir Putin's eyes..." and saw a soul he could trust. Wrong George. Old habits die hard and much like the UAE, Putin is only our friend to our face. Behind our back, however, he has gone out of his way to be un-helpful to the U.S.... joining France's efforts against us before the Iraq war, even going as far as to befriend Hammas and help Iran get nukes. Even a so-called Western ally like France actually hates America. Saudi Arabia is our supposed ally too, yet they are the world's largest exporter of terror. They teach radical islam in their schools and some members of their royal family were found to have financial links to terror. But they're "officially" our friends ... right. Hey, why don't we put the Saudis in charge of our airport security? Can you say 9/11? Is President Bush truly so naive as to think that the UAE can be trusted to protect our national security interests?
Bush said that we have to be right 100% of the time and the terrorists only have to get lucky once. He was absolutely correct. This could be that "once". Just like he was wrong to trust Putin, Bush is wrong again regarding the UAE. And this time, I honestly fear I will live to see the day that our country realizes what a huge mistake we made by allowing our port security to be handled by a foreign country that doesn't like us.
Why doesn't Bush get it? Even Hillary Clinton and most Democrats get that this is a dumb idea. Of course, Jimmy Carter agrees with Bush and thinks this deal will be okay ... that should be a MAJOR clue that we need to stop the deal immediately!
Who'd a thought it would be a stupid Republican that pissed me off bad enough to finally start this blog! Thank you President Bush for motivating me...I'm proud to finally have my blog up. Unfortunately, I've never been so ashamed to be a Bush supporter as I am today.
Posted on February 21, 2006 in Communist Bastards, Democrats & Liberalism, European "Allies", FOX News Channel, Homeland Security, Illegal Immigration, Islamic Facists, Just My Opinion!, Politics, President Bush, Republicans & the GOP | Permalink | Comments (1)
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